Dr. Wendong Zhang
- Land Value Survey (2015-2022)
Dr. Wendong Zhang is an associate professor in the Department of Economics at Iowa State University since August 2015. As an applied economist and extension farm management specialist, he is interested in land use, land management, land values and land ownership in the agro-ecosystem, as well as the interplay between agriculture and the environment. Dr. Zhang is also affiliated with Center for Agricultural and Rural Development (CARD).
Dr. Zhang is the leading researcher of the Iowa Land Value Survey since 2015, the Iowa Farmland Ownership and Tenure Survey, as well as the ISU Soil Management and Land Valuation Conference. He also led the development of the new, interactive Iowa Land Value Portal.
Dr. Zhang received his Ph.D. in Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics from the Ohio State University in July 2015, and he also hold a BSc in Environmental Science from Fudan University in China.
Fun Fact: Dr. Zhang started the online mode for the ISU Land Value Survey in 2015, in addition to the traditional mail mode.
Dr. Zhang is the leading researcher of the Iowa Land Value Survey since 2015, the Iowa Farmland Ownership and Tenure Survey, as well as the ISU Soil Management and Land Valuation Conference. He also led the development of the new, interactive Iowa Land Value Portal.
Dr. Zhang received his Ph.D. in Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics from the Ohio State University in July 2015, and he also hold a BSc in Environmental Science from Fudan University in China.
Fun Fact: Dr. Zhang started the online mode for the ISU Land Value Survey in 2015, in addition to the traditional mail mode.
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